Custom design
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Contact form for custom design
Please fill the form to start a conversation.
If the furniture piece you've chosen is available we will continue with all details, if not I'll search and offer the furniture regarding to your wishes.
Your name
Furniture on the website
The furniture name and number you'd like to have customized for you.
Furniture description (if it's not on the website)
In case you didn't find the right piece in my catalog, please let me know what you are looking for? Tell me more about furniture type, function, dimensions. You can use the links or refer to one of the furniture on my website.
How many colors you prefer in the furniture design?
This information is needed for a price calculation. The particular colors will be discussed after furniture confirmation.
Just one color
One color with gold/silver accents
Two colors
Two colors with gold/silver accents
Including interior painting
Excluding interior painting
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